Fertility FSH | Ovulation Microscope | Pregnancy | Ovulation | Basal Body Temperature Charting & Mucus | Shopping | Delivery
Fertility FSH FAQs...
Q: How does the test work?
A: As your body ages and produces less oestrogen, FSH levels increase as the hormone tries to stimulate the ovaries to produce a healthy egg. This test measures FSH and can tell you whether your body is producing excess FSH as a result of low oestrogen levels, signalling that your body is in the pre-menopause stage.
Q: When can I use the test?
A: We recommend performing the test using first morning urine as it contains the most hormone and will give the most accurate result. If you are still menstruating, we recommend testing during the first week of your cycle (see WHEN TO TEST) and then retesting one week later.
Q: I received a positive. Can I stop using contraception?
A: No, this test cannot determine fertility. Continue using contraception until your test results have been confirmed by your doctor.
Q: I am not sure that I held the test in my urine stream long enough. Will I still get an accurate result?
A: In order to receive an accurate result, you should hold the Absorbent Tip of the test in your urine stream for at least 10 seconds an wait 3 minutes to read the result. If the line in the control window (C) fails to develop, you should repeat with a new test.
Q: How accurate is the test?
A: In laboratory studies, the test was shown to be more than 98% accurate overall.
Q: How will I know the test worked?
A: The appearance of a red line in the control window (C) tells you that you followed the test procedure properly and the proper amount of urine was absorbed. If you do not see a line in the control window (C), you should review the procedure and repeat with a new test.
The test is not reusable.
Ovulation Microscope FAQs...
Q: How does the Ovulation Microscope work?
A: The ovulation microscope detects hormone changes that occur prior to and during ovulation. As oestrogen increases "ferning" or crystal patterns can be viewed in dried samples of saliva. These patterns indicate that ovulation is about to take place. The duration of your most fertile time lasts from several days before ovulation to 24 or so hours after ovulation. Unlike urine LH tests, your ovulation microscope allows you to track fertility and your cycle changes. When you observe a positive result (crystal./ferning patterns), ovulation is likely to occur within 24 to 72 hours.
Q: When do I test with my Ovulation Microscope?
A: Test on a daily basis and record results on a fertility chart or calendar. Test first thing in the morning - but never after eating, drinking or brushing your teeth. These activities interfere with results. If you test later in the day, try to wait at least two to three hours after eating or drinking.
Q: Is BabyStart Focus/Ovulook accurate?
A: When instructions are followed, determining fertility through ovulation microscopy has been shown to be 98% accurate.
Q: What is an 'oestrogen surge' or 'oestrogen spike'?
A: While oestrogen is present in your body throughout your cycle, just prior to ovulation you may have an oestrogen surge - a marked increase in the presence of oestrogen. The increase of oestrogen facilitates the ferning patterns in your saliva. An oestrogen surge or ovulation may not occur in all cycles for all women.
Q: Are ferning patterns observable at other times in my cycle?
A: A second oestrogen surge may occur right at the end of your cycle. By monitoring cycle length, and keeping daily results, the second surge should not be confounded with the oestrogen surge preceding ovulation. Also, as different women produce differing levels of oestrogen, ferning patterns may vary a bit in appearance and duration.
Q: Can Ovulation Microscopes be used as a contraceptive device?
A: Ovulation Microscopes should not be used as a contraceptive device.
Q: How do I apply a saliva sample?
A: For best results, collect a sublingual saliva sample as saliva glands are located below the tongue. Pull (DO NOT UNSCREW) the lens from the housing. Collect a dab of saliva and place it on the surface of the lens. Try to avoid making bubbles and allow the sample to dry for at least five minutes before attempting to read results.
Q: Will Clomid interfere with test results?
A: Clomid will not interfere with ovulation microscope results, though it may intensify the appearance and duration of ferning. If you are taking Clomid, consult your physician for details.
Q: Can I use my Ovulation Microscope if my cycle is irregular?
A: Yes, Fertile-Focus can be used by women with both regular and irregular cycles.
Q: What are some tips for optimising results?
A: Do not eat, drink beverages (besides water) or brush teeth for at least 2-3 hours before taking the test. Apply sublingual saliva sample to the exterior lens (in the case of Fertile Focus, pull the lens from the housing - DO NOT UNSCREW lens). Always allow the saliva sample to dry, avoid air bubbles in the sample and Focus by turning the focalisable lens (remove eye-glasses).
Q: What can interfere with results?
A: Pregnancy, menopause or hormonal imbalance, supplemental oestrogen, and recent discontinuation of birth control medication may interfere with results. In continued absence of any ferning, your body may not be producing sufficient oestrogen. Consult your physician.
Q: I am trying to get pregnant. When is the best time for intercourse?
A: To increase your chances of getting pregnant, it is recommended that you have intercourse as soon as you start to see the ferning pattern begin.
Q: Will all women's ferns look the same?
A: No, because different women produce oestrogen in different amounts, each women will have her own unique ferning pattern.
Q: Will I see ferns at other times of the month other than around the time of ovulation?
A: Some women will, on occasion, see ferns at other times of the month. This is primarily due to a second oestrogen surge near the end of your cycle. This is also why you calculate the expected time of ovulation and look for the ferning patterns then.
Q: Why would it be that I am not seeing any ferns?
A: There could be several reasons. First, make sure that you have not eaten or drank anything other than water for two hours prior to testing. Second, be sure to swish saliva around in your mouth and gather fresh saliva from the saliva glands under your tongue. Third, your body may not be producing enough oestrogen. If you think this is the case, please consult your physician.
Q: I am seeing ferns all the time. Why is that?
A: A small percentage of women produce a high amount of oestrogen, all month long. One reason this could be is because these women are not producing enough progesterone. If you think this is true in your case, please consult your doctor or health care provider.
Q: What else could interfere with my test results?
A: If you become pregnant, or have recently been pregnant, or have reached menopause, or have just stopped taking birth control pills, or taking injections for birth control. This would also be true if you are taking hormone replacement therapy, such as supplemental oestrogen.
Pregnancy FAQs...
Q: How do Ultra Early & Early Pregnancy tests work?
A: Babymad.com offers test strips that measure the presence of the hormone hCG in your urine. HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a glycoprotein hormone secreted by the developing placenta shortly after fertilization. The appearance of hCG soon after conception and its subsequent rise in concentration during early gestational growth make it an excellent marker for the early detection of pregnancy.
Q: Test Sensitivity and Early-Detection: Does the hCG level of the test matter?
A: Not all pregnancy tests are created equal. Babymad.com provides the most sensitive pregnancy tests on the market. The more sensitive the test, the earlier the opportunity to detect pregnancy. Our tests can detect pregnancy even with a small amount of hCG in your system. Concentrations of hCG are reported in milliInternational Units (mIU) or amounts equal to 1/1000th of an IU per millilitre. Pregnancy tests with a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml are more sensitive than tests with 50 to 100 mIU/ml. At 10 mIU/ml, high sensitivity equates to early detection of pregnancy. That means you can begin testing accurately as early as three to eight days after conception - well before your first missed period. NOTE: Conception may take place several days after date of intercourse, so the date of intercourse should not be viewed as the necessary day of conception.

Q: How do I use the Ultra Early & Early Pregnancy test?
A: Taking a home pregnancy test is simple - though instructions must be followed precisely for both test strips and midstream tests. For test strips, immerse the strip into the urine sample with the arrow end pointing towards the urine. Do not immerse past the MAX (Marker Line). Take the strip out after 3 seconds and lay the strip flat on a clean, dry, non-absorbent surface. Next, wait for coloured bands to appear. Depending on the concentration of hCG in the test specimen, positive results may be observed in as little as 40 seconds. However, to confirm negative results, the complete reaction time of 3 minutes is required. Do not read results after the 5-minute reaction time.
Q: How accurate are home pregnancy tests?
A: Under laboratory conditions, home pregnancy tests are over 99% percent accurate. Inaccuracies are most often traced or errors in application or failure to follow instructions with care. There are circumstances and variables - discussed in questions below - that may impact pregnancy test results (from fertility medications to dilution of urine sample).
Q: How long do I need to hold my urine? Is first morning urine the best sample?
A: Because home pregnancy tests detect hCG, it is best to collect urine samples containing the highest presence of the hCG hormone. Diluted samples (from drinking high volumes of water/frequent urination) are not recommended and can diminish test accuracy. Instead, first morning urine is considered the ideal sample as it contains the most concentrated presence of hCG. Otherwise, waiting several hours (4-5 minimum) is also considered sufficient duration for an HPT.
Q: If the test band is faint, is the pregnancy test positive?
A: A positive result will always be indicated by the presence of a distinct colour band in the 'test' region of the pregnancy test strip or midstream test (accompanied by the presence of the 'control' band). If the test is faint (in comparison to the control band), the test may be positive, though the presence of hCG in the woman's body - or urine sample - may be low. The presence of hCG doubles every two days in a pregnant woman. In cases where a faint test colour band is present, we recommend that you retake the test the following day using first morning urine. Again, following test instructions is critical.
Many women get a faintly positive result if they're not as far along as they expected. If this turns out to be the case for you, taking another test in two or three days should give you more exact results. Most home urine tests should be positive by the time your period is due if your body is making the normal amount of hCG.
Pregnancies with complications also produce hCG but in lesser amounts, so that could be causing the faint line. And if your test is faintly positive and then a few days later turns completely negative, you may have had a very early miscarriage. Experts estimate that about 20 to 30 per cent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, so unfortunately this is very common. It is only since pregnancy tests became so sensitive that people have realised how often early miscarriages can happen. In the past, these very early losses might not even have been noticed, and the woman would never have known she had been pregnant.
Q: What does a positive & negative pregnancy test look like?

Q: How is it possible to receive a "False Positive" result on a pregnancy test?
A: False positive tests are rare - though there are instances and conditions where they can occur. For example, some tissues in a non-pregnant woman can produce hCG, though the levels are usually so low they are not detectable by home pregnancy tests (though our tests are the most sensitive on the market). Secondly, research indicates that half of all "conceptions" (fertilized eggs) do not go forward as developing pregnancy. Within this group, a proportion are recognized as "a chemical pregnancy" - a pregnancy in which there is a positive pregnancy test and no other signs or symptoms).
Moreover, A percentage of "false positive" pregnancy tests can be attributed to misinterpretation of results due to a failure to follow test instructions with precision. You should not rely on any positive result that does not show up within the time limit stated in the test instructions (see next question below).
Q: What if the test is negative after the 5-minute reaction time, but becomes positive after an hour?
A: Do not attempt to interpret results after the five-minute test reaction time. Depending on the concentration of hCG in the test specimen, positive results may be observed in as little as 40 seconds. However, to confirm negative results, the complete reaction time of 5 minutes is required. A positive result can only be determined within this time interval. A percentage of "false positive" pregnancy tests can be attributed to misinterpretation of results due to a failure to follow test instructions with precision. Here, you should not rely on any positive result that does not show up within the time limit stated in the test instructions. All pregnancy test brands have the possibility of displaying an evaporation line.
Q: Can I be pregnant and not get a positive HPT (a False Negative result)?
A: False negative results are more common than false positives - and are primarily due to inaccuracies in timing of the test or carelessness in the test procedure itself. Please follow test instructions with circumspection and precision. A false negative result can also stem from using a diluted urine sample and/or from taking a test too early in pregnancy. First morning urine contains the most concentrated presence of hCG - which makes it the ideal sample for pregnancy testing.
Additionally, at the same gestational stages, women produce quantitatively different levels of hCG - which means that the first indication of a positive result on a home pregnancy test may vary between women, despite similar gestational stage. If you suspect you are pregnant, you should see your doctor for a blood hCG test no matter what result you get from any home pregnancy test.
Q: Can fertility drugs or medication interfere with pregnancy test results?
A: The only medications that can cause a false positive on a home pregnancy test are those than contain hCG itself. If you are taking fertility medications with hCG - e.g. Novarel, Profasi, Pregnyl - please consult your doctor regarding appropriate times and circumstances for using our tests. Other fertility drugs and medications that do not contain hCG will not precipitate false positive results. Similarly, progesterone will not cause a false positive as well.
If you have any further questions that are not answered above, please email me and I'll add them to this page which will hopefully help others too.
Ovulation FAQs...
Q: How do Ovulation Tests work?
A: The ovulation predictor kit is designed to detect luteinizing hormone, or LH. In elevated quantities, LH causes ovulation. During the menstrual cycle only a small amount of LH is made, but in the middle of the cycle LH briefly and dramatically increases. This increase is called the "LH surge" and precedes ovulation. Conception is most likely to occur within thirty-six hours following the LH surge. Our ovulation tests are specifically designed to detect your LH surge - the time when you are likely to ovulate, the best time to conceive a baby.
Q: What is the best time of day to take the ovulation test?
A: Unlike pregnancy tests, morning is not the ideal time to take ovulation tests, as LH is synthesized in your body early in the morning. It will not show up in urine until later in the day. The ideal time to test is in the afternoon, around 2pm, though testing may safely take please from 10am to early evening.
Q: Should I take the test the same time every day?
A: Yes, be sure to test at the same time each day. Also, reduce your liquid intake around 2 hours before testing urine as a diluted liquid sample can prevent LH detection.
Q: When should I beginning testing with the ovulation predictor kit?
A: To determine when to start testing, you must first determine the length of your menstrual cycle. The length of the menstrual cycle is the number of days from the first day of menstrual bleeding to the day before bleeding begins on the next period. Determine the usual length of the menstrual cycle over the last few months. Then, refer to the Cycle Chart to determine on which day of the menstrual cycle to begin testing.

Q: How long after my LH surge will ovulation take place?
A: Generally, ovulation will take place 12-48 hours after the LH surge is first detected (using afternoon urine samples), though 36 hours is considered to be the average length of time following the LH surge.
Q: When I get a positive on an ovulation test, when is the best time to have intercourse?
A: To increase the chance of conception, it is best to have intercourse the day of the LH surge as well as following three days after.
Q: Does the appearance of faint 'test band' indicate an LH surge?
A: A faint line (or a faint positive test band) does not indicate a positive result for an LH surge. While the presence of a faint line on a pregnancy test may indicate a positive result, a faint line on an OPK is always negative.
Q: Does taking my basal body temperature tell me the same thing as an OPK?
A: Basal Body Temperature only tells of your LH surge after it is over. That is why the BBT method cannot predict the LH surge. Ovulation tests will tell you - with pinpoint accuracy - when your chances for conception are greatest.
Q: Can OPKs be used as contraception devices?
A: Ovulation tests are designed to help facilitate pregnancy. They are not recommended for contraception.
Q: What does a positive & negative result on an ovulation test look like?

Q: How safe is the ovulation test?
A: All our ovulation tests are developed for professional use and are both CE-approved (EU) and FDA-approved (USA). The tests are just as safe (over 99%) as the urine tests carried out at laboratories.
Q: Should I use morning urine?
A: No, it's better not to use morning urine. LH is formed early in the morning and can therefore best be measured in your urine later in the day. The best time to do the test is between 10.00 and 20.00.
Q: May I drink before I do the test?
A: It's better not to drink too much during the last 2 hours before the test, as this will reduce the concentration of LH.
Q: What does it mean if no lines appear on the test?
A: If no lines appear, the test is invalid / hasn't been carried out correctly. Read the user instructions carefully, and try a new test.
Q: How do I find out whether I am pregnant?
A: It is possible to use a pregnancy test as early as 6 days after fertilisation. It is recommended, however, that you wait until you've missed your expected period.
Q: Can medicines affect the result?
A: The only medicines that can affect the result of the ovulation test are those containing the LH hormone. Several of the medicines used for the treatment of childlessness contain LH. It is recommended that you contact your doctor for further information if you use medicines you know or believe contain LH.
Basal Body Temperature Charting & Mucus FAQs...
Q: What will my BBT chart tell me?
A: The goal is to find out if you are ovulating and help you time intercourse. If you see a definite biphasic chart, that’s a good sign. You can also tell whether your luteal phase is long enough if your temperatures are up for at least 12 days after ovulation.
Q: How long should my temperature stay up after ovulation?
A: Ideally, 14 days. Some doctors say anything over 10 days is acceptable, but it really makes sense to test for luteal phase defect if one typically shows 12 days or less of high temperatures. You can test for luteal phase defect with a serum progesterone level and/or an endometrial biopsy. Many doctors will want to see two cycles of low progesterone or out of phase biopsies before making a definite luteal phase defect diagnosis.
Q: My temperature dropped for a day in the luteal phase, does that mean this cycle is a bust?
A: Not unless it stays down. Some people have a short drop that may go well below the coverline that is a secondary oestrogen surge (which may be accompanied by mucus).
Q: How long should I chart before seeing a doctor if I suspect infertility?
A: Good question! If your cycles are irregular, you shouldn’t waste time on BBTs alone - see a doctor and find out what may be causing the irregularity. If you do have normal-length cycles and decide to start charting, you only need to wait about 3 months to establish a problem and seek help. For example, if you have a 28-day cycle, but ovulate on day 18, and that happens 2-3 months in a row, you should see your doctor. Otherwise it depends on your age and urgency. It’s not a bad idea for everyone to get preconception advice and bloodwork -- test for immunities to rubella, chicken box, fifth disease, also test for anaemia and thyroid function at a minimum.
Q: What are average BBTs?
A: The average range of BBTs is between 97.0-97.7 Fahrenheit (36.11-36.5 Celsius) before ovulation and 97.7-99.0 Fahrenheit (36.5-37.22 Celsius) after ovulation. Ideally, a woman’s temperature will not bounce around more than .5 degrees in the follicular phase and will stay above the coverline during the luteal phase.
Q: My BBTs are lower/higher than average, what does this mean?
A: Either case warrants checking your thyroid. Low BBTs are often a sign of hypothyroid which can cause some fertility and pregnancy problems. Excessively high temperatures may indicate hyperthyroid.
Q: I did and ovulation predictor kit, how long after the positive should my BBT rise?
A: You should ovulate 12-48 hours after the positive ovulation predictor test, and your BBTs should go up within 48 hours of ovulating. It can take up to 4-5 days to see the rise, but ideally you see it within 3.
Q: My chart looks more like the Rocky Mountains than anything else, what does that mean?
A: Most likely a) you are not taking your BBTs consistently or sleep erratically, b) you are taking your BBTs orally and you sleep with your mouth open, or c) you are not ovulating. If being more consistent, or switching to taking your BBTs vaginally or rectally, doesn’t help, you should go to the doctor to have your hormone levels checked out and see what may be causing your anovulation.
Q: How late in a cycle can one ovulates?
A: It is possible to ovulate very late in a cycle -- there is not any day limit -- so a long cycle doesn’t mean there is no hope. Long cycles do, however, reduce opportunities to get pregnant and warrant looking into. It is also a good idea to have at least one cycle every 3 months, brought on by medication if needed, so that the uterine lining does not become too thick.
Q: Can I tell I am pregnant from a BBT chart?
A: You are most likely pregnant if your BBTs stay up for 18 or more days after ovulation. It is also common to see a triphasic chart, a second shift sometime during the luteal phase, when pregnancy is achieved.
Q: Do I really need BBT thermometer, or will a fever thermometer do?
A: A BBT thermometer is more reliable and more accurate. In glass thermometers, fever ones are only accurate to .2 degrees Fahrenheit. You really need it to be accurate to .01 degrees. The main plus of the digital BBT over a fever BBT thermometer is speed. The BBT digital is more accurate for some people, and it only takes 30-60 seconds, which can matter if you are waiting to go to the bathroom first thing in the morning. The digital ones are harder to break and remember the temperature for you if you don’t want to chart it immediately.
Q: Are my BBTs as accurate if I am taking fertility medications such as Clomid or injectables?
A: In a word, no . . . but that doesn’t mean they don’t tell you something. Clomid often causes elevated BBTs around the time of taking the medication, and it appears to be more common to have a triphasic BBT on medications without pregnancy. It is also more common to have a long luteal phase without pregnancy. Other monitoring is more reliable when on medication.
Q: Will taking progesterone raise my BBTs?
A: It may raise your BBTs, but natural progesterone usually only causes a minor elevation (.1 or .2). Progestins like Provera can raise BBTs as well.
Q: My BBTs were up for more than 18 days and I am not pregnant. Why?
A: That’s a question for your doctor. If you were on medication for fertility problems, that could cause an extended luteal phase. It is also possible for a corpus luteum cyst to lead to a longer luteal phase. The best thing to do is see your doctor for a blood pregnancy test, exam and ultrasound.
Mucus Questions
Q: How can I tell fertile mucus from semen?
A: Fertile, egg-white mucus should stretch repeatedly in only one of two strands. Semen tends to be a little cloudier, and often stretches in several spiderweb-like strands. You may be able to stretch it a few times, but then it will begin to break.
Q: What is this about taking Robitussin to help with cervical mucus?
A: Plain Robitussin, or any generic with the guaifenesin as the only active ingredient, is an expectorant and helps thin mucus in your body, including cervical mucus. It does not create mucus for you, but can thin out thick mucus (a common side-effect of Clomid). The recommended dose is 2 teaspoons 3 times a day with a full glass of water, but you can take up to the maximum dose on the label. It should be started about 5 days before ovulation and continued through ovulation day. The water is very important since your body needs the fluid to create the mucus, and the guaifenesin can cause constipation.
Q: I’ve heard I can use raw egg whites if I don’t have enough fertile mucus, is this true?
A: It is suggested in the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler, but it probably is not a good idea? most eggs in the United States contain salmonella and you risk the possibility of becoming infected. It would be better to use something else as a lubricant. The rest of the book is great, but this is one piece of advice that may be safer to avoid.
Q: What are some sperm-friendly lubricants?
A: Most lubricants will kill off some sperm, so it is best to use as little as possible. It is reasonable to use a small amount of over-the-counter brands such as Astroglide, or ask your doctor to order you some FemGlide. Saliva is not a sperm-friendly medium, nor is water. Anything petroleum-based, such as Vaseline, should be avoided.
Shopping FAQs...
We want shopping with us to be as easy as possible. With this in mind we have compiled detailed information on all our Frequently Asked Questions.
Q: How do I find the product I'm looking for?
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We do our best to deliver the goods to the correct address, however we cannot be held responsible for incorrect or incomplete information supplied by the customer. If goods are delayed due to this information being incorrect or incomplete, we are unable to offer any refund. Always ensure you supply us with a correct, complete delivery address including postcode.
Once delivery has been delivered to the given address, it is no longer the responsibility of Babymad.com. If the goods are signed for by someone other than the recipient, but not passed on, we cannot take responsibility for this or offer any refund.
Q: How quickly will my order be delivered?
Normally your order should arrive within 5 working days, however it is quite often much quicker than that and may even arrive the following day, but please do not rely on this being the case. If you definitely require your order the following day, we recommend using the express delivery option.
Q: How will my order arrive?
Your order will be delivered by Royal Mail.
Q: Will I need to be in to take delivery?
No. Most packages will fit through a standard letter box. Anything over 50 tests then you'll probably need to be at home otherwise the Post Office will probably return the parcel to the local sorting office and leave you a card to say they have done that.
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If you are not in, your order will be returned to the local delivery office or post office. You will be able to collect the item or arrange for delivery another time. A card should be left stating that an attempted delivery was made. If you have not received your order on the day you expect it and no card is left, please contact us as soon as possible so we can follow up with carrier.
Q: Does it cost more to send to N. Ireland, Highlands etc?
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